What is High Functioning Anxiety?

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people in the United States, yet often go undiagnosed and untreated. High-functioning anxiety can slip under the radar and is characterized by individuals who appear to be successful and have their lives together, but internally, they struggle with anxiety. In this blog, we will discuss what high-functioning anxiety is, its symptoms, causes, and effects. We will also explore Elevate Psychiatry’s services that can help individuals with high-functioning anxiety and other mental health conditions.

Understanding High-Functioning Anxiety

High-functioning anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that is not yet recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). However, it is a real condition that affects many people. Individuals with high-functioning anxiety often appear to be successful and have their lives together, but internally, they experience persistent worry and fear that can be debilitating.

Signs and Symptoms of High-Functioning Anxiety

The symptoms of high-functioning anxiety can vary from person to person, and some individuals may not even realize they are experiencing anxiety. The most common signs of high-functioning anxiety include persistent worry, self-doubt, and a need for control.

Individuals with high-functioning anxiety may also experience physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches, and muscle tension. They may have difficulty sleeping, struggle with perfectionism, and constantly seek reassurance from others. High-functioning anxiety can also lead to avoidance behaviors, such as avoiding social situations or taking on too much work to distract from feelings of anxiety.

It’s important to note that symptoms of high-functioning anxiety can impact a person’s daily life and overall well-being, and seeking professional help is vital for managing these symptoms.

Causes of High-Functioning Anxiety

The exact causes of high-functioning anxiety are not yet fully understood. However, research suggests that both environmental and genetic factors may contribute to the development of this condition. High-functioning anxiety may be more prevalent in individuals who have experienced significant stress or trauma in their lives, such as childhood abuse or neglect.

Additionally, personality traits such as perfectionism, self-criticism, and a need for control may increase the likelihood of developing high-functioning anxiety. Genetic factors may also play a role, as anxiety disorders tend to run in families.

It is important to note that multiple factors can contribute to the development of high-functioning anxiety, and individual experiences and circumstances may vary.

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Coping With High Functioning Anxiety

Coping with high-functioning anxiety can be challenging, but there are some strategies that can help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being.

It’s important to prioritize self-care, such as getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. Mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and meditation can also help manage anxiety symptoms. Seeking support from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or psychiatrist, can provide additional coping strategies and support. Additionally, setting realistic goals and practicing self-compassion can help manage the pressure that often comes with high-functioning anxiety. With the right tools and support, it is possible to manage high-functioning anxiety and improve your overall quality of life.

High-Functioning Anxiety vs. Other Types of Anxiety

High-functioning anxiety is a type of anxiety that is characterized by an ability to function well in daily life despite experiencing anxiety. This contrasts with other types of anxiety disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or panic disorder, which can significantly interfere with a person’s ability to function normally.

While high-functioning anxiety may not be recognized as an official diagnosis, it is still a valid experience that can impact an individual’s mental and physical health. It’s important to note that high-functioning anxiety is not necessarily less severe than other types of anxiety, as it can still cause significant distress and impairment in a person’s life.

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Treatment Options for High-Functioning Anxiety

Now that we have discussed the signs, symptoms, and causes of high-functioning anxiety, we will explore some treatment options that Elevate Psychiatry offers to help you manage your anxiety and improve your overall well-being.


Psychiatric evaluation services are designed to assess your mental health and determine if you have any underlying mental health conditions. During a psychiatric evaluation, a mental health professional will gather information about your symptoms, medical history, and personal background to make an accurate diagnosis. This information can help your psychiatrist or provider to develop a personalized treatment plan to manage your symptoms.


Telepsychiatry is a service that allows you to receive mental health treatment remotely, typically through videoconferencing technology. This service can be especially beneficial for individuals with high-functioning anxiety who may have difficulty accessing care due to busy schedules or transportation challenges. Telepsychiatry offers convenience and flexibility while still providing access to high-quality mental health services.


Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. TMS is a safe and effective alternative to traditional treatments, such as medication or electroconvulsive therapy. At Elevate Psychiatry, our trained professionals provide TMS therapy to our patients as a part of our comprehensive treatment options for varying mental health conditions.


Medication management is an essential component of anxiety treatment. It involves ongoing assessment, adjustment, and monitoring of medications used to manage anxiety symptoms. At Elevate Psychiatry, our psychiatrists are trained to prescribe and manage medications that effectively address the symptoms of high-functioning anxiety, among other mental health conditions. They work closely with patients to ensure the medication is working as expected and make any necessary adjustments to dosage or medication as needed. This ensures our patients receive the best possible care for their anxiety symptoms.


Pharmacogenomic analysis is an innovative technology that analyzes your unique DNA to identify which medications will be the most effective for your mental health. Elevate Psychiatry offers pharmacogenomic analysis, allowing patients to take a more precise approach to their medication regimen. The process is simple and involves swabbing the inside of your cheek. Results are typically available within a week, and the information gained can help guide treatment decisions for optimal outcomes. Whether you have previously struggled with medication or are looking for a more personalized approach, pharmacogenomic analysis can be a valuable tool in achieving mental wellness.

Do You Need Help with High-Functioning Anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is a common and often misunderstood form of anxiety that can significantly impact a person’s daily life. However, it is possible to manage symptoms and live a fulfilling life with the right treatment and support. Elevate Psychiatry offers a range of mental health services in the Miami area to help individuals cope with high-functioning anxiety, including psychiatric evaluation, medication management, psychotherapy, telepsychiatry, pharmacogenomic analysis, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), and more. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing personalized and comprehensive care to help patients achieve their mental health goals.

At Elevate Psychiatry, we provide compassionate care and support to help our patients overcome their anxiety and improve their quality of life. Don’t let anxiety control your life any longer – take the first step towards better mental health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Feeling out of practice with socializing is normal after a long period of social distancing. If you experience increased anxiety when leaving the house to socialize, you’re not alone. Feeling overwhelmed or out of place in large crowds is also entirely normal. If these feelings persist and cause significant distress, you may be experiencing social anxiety.

Our team of experts at Elevate Psychiatry has extensive experience treating social anxiety, making us the best choice in Miami to provide guidance and support in managing this issue. Keep reading for tips on overcoming social anxiety and taking the first step toward a happier and healthier life.

What is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is a common mental health condition affecting millions worldwide. It is characterized by excessive fear and discomfort in social situations and a persistent worry about being negatively judged or evaluated by others.

People with social anxiety often experience physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and blushing, further exacerbating their anxiety. It can be challenging to manage social anxiety on your own, but with the right treatment and support, it is possible to overcome it and improve your quality of life.

What Causes Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety can have various underlying causes. Here are some common factors that can contribute to the development of social anxiety.

  • Genetics: Studies have shown that social anxiety can be inherited from family members who also experience social anxiety disorder.
  • Environmental Factors: Childhood experiences such as bullying, abuse, or neglect can contribute to developing a social anxiety disorder.
  • Brain Chemistry: An imbalance in brain chemicals such as serotonin, norepinephrine, or gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) can play a role in developing a social anxiety disorder.
  • Cognitive Factors: Negative thought patterns or distorted beliefs about oneself or social situations can contribute to the development of social anxiety disorder.
  • Social Learning: Observing and modeling the behavior of others who experience social anxiety can contribute to developing a social anxiety disorder.

5 Tips to Overcome Your Social Anxiety

If you struggle with social anxiety, navigating social situations and feeling comfortable can be challenging. With expert advice, you can start managing your social anxiety and living the life you deserve.

Engage with Your Support System

Engaging with your support system is a crucial step in overcoming social anxiety. Your support system can be made up of friends, family, or even a support group, and they can provide emotional support and encouragement as you work through your anxiety.

Support from loved ones can help reduce feelings of isolation and build self-confidence, which is essential in overcoming social anxiety. Talking openly with someone you trust about your struggles and experiences can also help you develop coping mechanisms and strategies to deal with social situations. Remember, it is okay to lean on others for support and assistance in your journey toward managing your social anxiety.

Work With a Therapist or Psychiatrist

Working with a therapist or psychiatrist in Miami can be an effective way to manage social anxiety. Therapists can help you identify the underlying causes of your anxiety and develop strategies to manage it. They can teach you coping skills, such as mindfulness and relaxation techniques, and provide exposure therapy to help you gradually face your fears.

Psychotherapy is a common form of therapy used to treat social anxiety. In psychotherapy, you will learn to recognize and change negative thought patterns contributing to your anxiety. By working with a therapist or psychiatrist specializing in anxiety disorder treatment in Miami, you can develop the tools to manage social anxiety and improve your quality of life.

Anxiety Medication

Anxiety medication can be an effective tool for managing social anxiety, especially when combined with therapy. Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines, can help reduce the symptoms of social anxiety and improve the overall quality of life. It is important to note that medication does not cure social anxiety. Still, it can help manage symptoms and make engaging in therapy and other coping strategies easier. It is essential to work with a mental health professional to determine your best medication and dosage and to regularly monitor the effects of the medication.

Make a Plan for Social Situations

Planning for social situations can be an effective way to manage social anxiety. Before attending an event or social gathering, plan how to handle potential triggers or situations that may cause anxiety. Consider arriving early to get familiar with the environment, bringing a trusted friend as support, or preparing conversation topics in advance.

Having a plan can help you feel more confident and in control, reducing the likelihood of becoming overwhelmed or anxious. By proactively addressing potential stressors, you can improve your ability to manage your anxiety and feel more comfortable in social situations.

Use Calming Techniques (That Don’t Draw Attention)

One effective strategy to cope with social anxiety is to use calming techniques. These techniques can help you manage your anxiety and prevent it from escalating. There are various methods to calm yourself down, including deep breathing, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, visualization, and yoga.

Each technique works differently, so you can choose the one that suits you best. These techniques have been proven to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms, help you relax, and promote positive thoughts. In the following subheadings, we’ll delve deeper into each technique and explore how they can benefit you in managing your social anxiety.

Control Your Breathing

Controlling your breathing is a powerful way to reduce the physical symptoms of social anxiety. Focusing on taking slow, deep breaths can help you to relax and feel more in control. Hold for a few seconds, inhale through your nose, then exhale through your mouth.

This technique can be used anywhere, anytime, and is especially helpful before and during a social situation. Practicing controlled breathing regularly can also help to reduce anxiety in the long term, making it a valuable tool in your overall strategy for managing social anxiety.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a technique that involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in your body. It can help you identify and consciously release where you are holding tension. The practice has been found to reduce physical symptoms of anxiety and increase relaxation.

To do PMR, sit or lie down in a quiet space, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Begin by tensing a muscle group for a few seconds, then relax and release the tension. Move through each muscle group, from your toes to your head. Doing this practice regularly can help you manage stress and anxiety, especially for individuals with social anxiety.

Focus on Others

This technique involves shifting your attention from yourself to the people around you, observing their behavior and body language, and engaging in conversation with them. Focusing on others makes you less likely to dwell on your anxiety or negative thoughts. Additionally, this technique can help you build social skills and develop confidence in social situations. Instead of feeling self-conscious or worried, you can become more relaxed and present, making connecting with others and enjoying social interactions easier.

Force a Positive Thought for Each Negative Thought

A helpful technique to combat negative thoughts associated with social anxiety is intentionally creating a positive thought for each negative one. This technique is based on the idea that our thoughts directly impact our emotions and behaviors. When negative thoughts come up, try to counteract them by focusing on something positive.

For example, if you worry that people are judging you, try reminding yourself of a positive interaction with someone earlier in the day. This exercise can help shift your mindset towards more positive and supportive thoughts, reducing social anxiety.

When to Seek Treatment for Physical Symptoms of Anxiety

If you experience physical symptoms of anxiety that interfere with your daily life, it may be time to seek treatment. Physical symptoms of anxiety can be very disruptive, including a racing heart, sweating, trembling, dizziness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can occur in social situations, making them particularly challenging for individuals with social anxiety.

Seeking treatment can help alleviate physical symptoms and address underlying mental health issues contributing to social anxiety. Remember that seeking treatment is not a sign of weakness, and reaching out for help can be the first step towards regaining control of your life.

Do You Need Help Managing Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety disorder can be debilitating, but there are effective ways to manage and overcome it. You can take control and live the life you want by working with a therapist and employing different methods to deal with daily social anxiety.

Elevate Psychiatry provides a personalized treatment approach to help you process anxiety and take charge of your life. Our team of certified mental health professionals and doctors will work with you to determine the best treatment options that fit your needs. We offer advanced psychological and medicinal treatments and cutting-edge technologies to provide our patients with the most effective options.

While there is no traditional medical cure for anxiety, you can conquer it by equipping yourself with healthy coping mechanisms and support. Contact us to schedule an appointment or for more information on how we can help you overcome anxiety.

Image Credits: Dmitry Demidovich / Shutterstock



12 Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the US, especially among adults. Children and teenagers are also victims of anxiety disorders, ranging from generalized anxiety disorders to panic attacks. It is normal to feel anxious sometimes, as it is a usual reaction to uncertainty about what will happen next.

If you are looking for ways to reduce anxiety quickly, Elevate Psychiatry can offer assistance in managing anxiety at our locations in Miami in Brickell, Coconut Grove and Doral. Whether your anxiety is related to a specific situation or you live with an anxiety disorder, this article will provide tips on reducing your anxiety.

Short-Term Ways to Reduce Anxiety

Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. However, anxiety disorders entail experiencing frequent or repeated intense and excessive fear and worry about everyday situations. Even though anxiety is considered normal, having severe or chronic anxiety might affect your relationship, school performance, work, and other daily activities.

There are several ways to calm down your anxiety immediately. Whether you experience mild or extreme anxiety, here are some steps on how to reduce anxiety immediately:

Breathe Intentionally

Breathing might sound basic, but it is one of the best remedies to manage your anxiety symptoms immediately. You can stop whatever you are doing for a moment and then breathe slowly, evenly, and deeply for several breaths.

With this strategy, change your posture by standing up or sitting up straight, pulling your shoulders back, planting your feet evenly and wide apart, then opening your chest and breathing. Breathing slowly reduces your heart rate and lowers your blood pressure reducing your anxiety immediately.

Ground with the 5-4-3-2-1 Method

Grounding is a simple technique that changes your focus and calms your thoughts when overwhelmed with anxiety. The 5-4-3-2-1 method works in the following way:

  • Five: Look around and name five things that you see around you. These observed things can be objects, spots on surfaces, or animals, but remember that the key is to count down five things.
  • Four: Involves naming four things you can touch.
  • Three: Listen quietly and name three sounds you can hear. These can be external sounds from objects within or internal sounds like the sound of your breathing.
  • Two: Observe two things that you can smell around you. It might be the perfume you are wearing or any other smell.
  • One: Involves paying attention to one thing you can taste inside your mouth.

It is important to note that the 5-4-3-2-1 method works best when you pair it with deep, slow breathing.

Take a Cold Shower

Anxiety takes a toll on your mental and physical health since it makes your body tense making it hard to relax. A cold shower is a great solution, as it relaxes your muscle and slows your heart rate, calming your body and mind and reducing anxiety.

Give Your Feelings Space

Since anxiety is considered normal and part of life, you can consider putting it on your schedule. During this time, give your feelings space by allowing your brain to let through all your anxious thoughts to think about them. Scheduling a time to be anxious helps you control your anxiety and reduce it if it arises.


Adrenaline buildup can cause anxiety. When experiencing anxiety, performing the simplest exercises, such as jogging, running, walking, or stretching, uses extra adrenaline. Performing physical activities at high speed when feeling anxious helps you shift your focus from the anxious thoughts reducing anxiety.

Walking outside in the fresh air creates a diversion from worries and releases muscle tension, managing your anxiety and improving your general well-being.

Distract Yourself

If you have tried other ways of reducing anxiety and nothing is working, distract yourself by redirecting your focus and attention away from anxious thoughts or emotions. For example, you can distract yourself by watching a television show or movie, writing, painting, reading, or listening to calming music. It is important to note that distractions might vary from person to person. Focus on finding something you enjoy doing, making you feel better, and helping you to immediately reduce your anxiety.

There is no quick fix for anxiety, but gaining more knowledge on what triggers your symptoms and getting help from a doctor can help you counter anxiety immediately.

How to Reduce Long-Term Anxiety

More than 40 million people in the US, including adults and children, suffer from anxiety, making it the most common mental health problem in the US. Everyone suffers from anxiety from time to time, as it is a normal response to worry or fear. However, anxiety can be more than an occasional worry for people with anxiety disorder; thus, you need to seek help. Chronic or severe anxiety adversely affects your life, as it affects your daily activities, work, school performance, relationships, and responsibilities.

Are you suffering and want help on how to reduce long-term anxiety? Elevate Psychiatry in Miami, FL has doctors and mental health professionals who work with you to diagnose and treat anxiety, helping you regain control of your life. We also offer unique treatment options such as medication, therapy, and lifestyle change depending on your symptoms, needs, and goals. The article highlights intuitive details on how to reduce long-term anxiety immediately.

Long-Term Ways to Reduce Anxiety

If you are struggling with anxiety, know that you are not alone, as millions of people struggle daily and are looking for ways to find relief. Learning how to reduce long-term anxiety immediately is a long-term process and not something you can complete overnight.

Are you suffering from long-term anxiety that you need relief from; the following are some methods you can use to calm down and get through your anxiety attack.

Work with a Therapist

Seeing a therapist is a good idea if you experience regular or frequent anxiety. Therapy involves talking to a mental health professional. It is an essential part of life, especially when you have jobs, school, or family and relationship situations that might bring you chronic stress, increasing your anxiety. Seeking therapy from a good therapist might help you think through your therapeutic approaches options, improve your communication, promote brain flexibility, and regulate your anxious emotions.

The psychotherapy you select entirely depends on what you intend to achieve. When considering therapy, consult several therapists to explore chemistry and rapport to achieve the most out of your therapy session and reduce your anxiety immediately.

Identify Anxiety Triggers

The best way to identify your anxiety triggers is to write down what you feel when anxious and what causes the uneasy feeling. Expressing your anxiety by writing can reduce it immediately as you will identify the triggers outside your control and focus on those within your control. In addition, identifying your anxiety triggers helps you plan how to handle your fears and worries, enabling you to control your anxiety.

Prioritize Sleep

Lack of enough sleep increases your anxiety, depression, and general distress increasing the likelihood of accidents when performing tasks. How much you sleep highly determines how well you can handle anxiety and depression. Little sleep is a chronic stressor that impairs brain function, produces an imbalance in hormone levels, and increases anxiety levels.

High-quality sleep is essential for your general well-being, especially when suffering from anxiety. For this, prioritize sleep and practice good sleep hygiene by going to sleep and waking up routinely, including on the weekends. Creating a routine before bed is also important as it helps you fall asleep fast, minimizing the chances of staying awake and worrying about unfinished tasks or the future.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is a good remedy and calms anxiety by decreasing the stress hormones within the body and making you focus on exercising. A simple 20- minutes daily walk, run, or stretch is needed to see change over time. Regular exercises are great for your general well-being when anxious, as they provide your brain with bilateral stimulation allowing your mind and body to relax.

However, regular exercise alone is less effective than standard anxiety treatments such as therapy. Therefore, combining exercises with other treatment options is important for optimal effectiveness in improving your anxiety. Explore various activities you like and create a schedule to do them regularly.

Feeling anxious is normal, but the above tips and techniques can help you counter long-term anxiety and promote calmness. Also, see a specialist when you experience severe or persistent anxiety to get help controlling anxiety.

Do You Need Help Managing Anxiety?

Are you looking for an anxiety disorder psychiatrist in Miami, FL? At Elevate Psychiatry, we diagnose and treat anxiety in children and adults, freeing them from anxiety symptoms and helping them return to their enjoyable way of life. Contact us to schedule an appointment for your anxiety treatment or seek our telepsychiatry services.

Image Source: Tero Vesalainen / Shutterstock

Celebrities with Depression

Over the years, depression has become a common condition among Americans. In the US, it is easy to mistake celebrities for having it all, but behind closed doors, many of them suffer from depression. Depression affects people of all kinds, and as it turns out, fame, huge mansions, and a luxurious lifestyle might not automatically shield you from mental illness.

Celebrities Suffering Depression in the United States

In the US, many celebrities, such as musicians, royals, and actors, do not shy away from sharing their experiences with depression and therapy. Dealing with depression is challenging but manageable. However, with proper treatment, therapy, and a favorable environment, you can beat depression. Below is a list of major celebrities with depression:

Dwayne Johnson

“The Rock,” has battled depression multiple times, with his first case at 15 years old when his mother attempted suicide. Johnson says his most severe depression episodes happened after injuries forced him to quit football. Dwayne Johnson encourages people, especially men who keep things to themselves, to seek help. 

Kirsten Dunst

Kirsten Dunst is a 39-year-old actress who revealed that she went to a rehab center in her 20s for help with depression. Dunst says that she struggled with depression for many years and realized its root cause was bottling up anger. She urges people to seek help when struggling with something.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry shared her condition of depression on a 96-hour live stream on YouTube. Katy said she opened up about her depression because she wanted her fans to see her true self.

Jon Hamm

This celebrated actor has been open about his episodes of depression, with his first episode of chronic depression shortly after his father’s death when he was 20 years old. Hammed underwent therapy and took antidepressants. The structured college environment and work helped him with his depression recovery. 

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is not shy about many things, including her battle with mental illness. In a 2015 interview with billboard, Lady Gaga said she has lived with depression and anxiety her whole life. Lady Gaga emphasizes the importance of people talking about their mental health. She founded the Born This Way Foundation, which promotes mental health awareness and funds research on adolescent mental health.

Michael Phelps

Michael Phelps is a swimmer who has won 28 Olympic medals. In 2018, he shared his story about battling depression since 2004, with his lowest point hitting after the 2012 Olympics. During this time, he spent days in his bedroom with little food, thinking about ending his life. After that episode, Michael Phelps sought treatment for his depression.

Buzz Aldrin

Aldrin, the celebrated astronaut, suffered depression and alcohol abuse after returning from his mission to the moon. As a result, he lost his sense of purpose, divorced his wife, withdrew from society, and used alcohol to numb his feelings. After seeking treatment for depression and alcohol abuse, Aldrin became the chairperson of the National Mental Health Association.

J.K. Rowling

The author of the Harry Potter series, which brought joy to millions, has also been vocal about her experience with depression. She states that at some point, she despaired, as she was a single mother, unemployed, suffered severe depression, and battled suicidal thoughts. Rowling sought help by undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which helped improve her depression and regain control of her life. 

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp might be a chameleon on the screen, but if you watch him closely during interviews, you will notice his bent posture, mumbled words, and facial expression, suggesting his mental illness. Johnny Depp suffers from severe anxiety, which has been a major cause of his depression and uneasiness. Anxiety has affected him so much that he has to see therapists periodically to advise him on how to deal with it to prevent it from worsening into severe depression. 

Depression affects people differently. If you are struggling with depression in Miami, you should seek help from therapists and doctors to counter your depression.

Stephen “tWitch” Boss

Stephen “tWitch” Boss is a well-known dancer, actor, and television host who has publicly spoken about his struggles with depression. In an interview with People Magazine, Boss shared that he has been dealing with depression since he was a teenager and has had to work through the challenges it presents in order to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Despite these struggles, he had found success in his career and used his platform to raise awareness about the importance of mental health. 

His death by suicide has brought attention to the concept of “high functioning depression,” which is often used to describe people who are able to maintain a successful career and outwardly appear to be functioning well despite struggling with depression. This highlights the importance of seeking professional help and understanding the different forms of depression that can affect individuals.

Do You Need Help Managing Depression?

Are you struggling with depression and need help in Miami, Florida? Elevate Psychiatry has a team of doctors and certified mental health professionals who diagnose and treat a wide range of depression disorders and help you process depression and regain control of your life. In addition, we offer unique depression treatment plans that best suit your need and experience.


Image Source: Diego Cervo / Shutterstock

Celebrities with Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are common, considering more than 40 million adults experience them across the United States. Anxiety can strike anyone, including celebrities, at any time for no apparent reason. Notably, over the years, stars with anxiety have been more open about their condition to offer inspiration, fight stigma, and let fans know they are not fighting anxiety alone.

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Individuals with anxiety often experience several symptoms. These symptoms develop slowly, making it difficult to pinpoint when the anxiety disorder began. They also worsen during high-stress periods and might come and go at varying points in life. Some of the common symptoms people with anxiety experience include

  • Difficulty controlling feelings of nervous fear
  • Sleeping difficulties and trouble relaxing
  • Excessive worrying about everyday issues
  • Headaches, muscle aches, and stomach aches
  • Feeling restless, wound up, or on the edge
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fatigue

Celebrities with Anxiety Disorders

Human Like Figure with it's Mind Racing

Image Credit

Celebrities are human like us, especially when experiencing weakening emotions such as anxiety. Some of the stars with anxiety in the US include:

Stephen Colbert

Stephen, an actor, comedian, and host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, who revealed his struggles with anxiety when in college and later at the Second City Theater in Chicago. Colbert uses medication and performing in from of an audience to control his anxiety.

Oprah Winfrey

Despite her worldwide fame, Oprah suffers from an anxiety disorder to this day. Oprah’s adult anxiety disorder’s root cause is trauma during childhood, which then manifested when she did not want to speak with some people or felt awkward with others. Oprah has tried to overcome her anxiety and uses it to fuel her success.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen, the star of Twilight movies, revealed that she had panic attacks when she was young and kept worrying they might return. However, in an interview with Elle, she stated that she has managed to control her anxiety.


In some cases, performing in a crowd of thousands gives some celebrities stage fright. At some point, Adele had to quit touring as she found panic attacks and anxiety quite unbearable. Adele eventually started touring again but always brought her therapist along to help her control and cope with her stress.

Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell has been struggling with depression and anxiety her whole life. She is never ashamed of talking about it. Her condition worsens when overworked, and she often cycles between anxiety and depression. Kristen has been taking medication for both anxiety and depression to cope with her situation.

Kim Kardashian

In a 2016 episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim Kardashian opened up about her anxiety, particularly when driving and around car crashes. She also revealed that she sees a therapist and uses other strategies like breathing exercises to help her cope with anxiety.

Jonah Hill

Jonah has been experiencing a series of anxiety attacks triggered by press tours and public appearances. As a result, Jonah decided to protect his mental health by stepping back from promoting any of his films.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez is one of the most followed celebrities on Instagram. She has not shied away from opening up about her anxiety and depression and how it has affected her life. Selena sought treatment and underwent therapy, which helped her regain control of her life. In addition, she launched a mental health platform called WonderMind, which connects people with educational resources related to mental health issues.

Prince Harry

The royal family has also made great efforts to de-stigmatize mental health issues by opening up about their struggles. For example, Prince Harry opened up about the severe anxiety and panic attacks that troubled him after his mother’s death. Unfortunately, Prince Harry turned to drugs to cope with the overwhelming emotions. However, later he sought professional help to control his anxiety.

The demanding nature of a celebrity’s life makes them prone to anxiety attacks. Those suffering from anxiety attacks should seek help since anxiety can significantly impact their everyday life, experiences, and relationships with friends and family.

Do You Need Help Managing Anxiety?

Elevate Psychiatry offers a wide variety of personalized anxiety-disorder psychiatry services that guarantee your freedom from symptoms and return to an enjoyable life. We have locations throughout Florida in Brickell, Coconut Grove and Doral and also offer telepsychiatry services.


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¿Cuáles son los 5 signos del trastorno bipolar?

¿Se pregunta si padece trastorno bipolar? A pesar de la mayor concienciación sobre la enfermedad y cómo afecta a la vida de las personas, los estereotipos siguen influyendo en la forma en que caracterizamos e identificamos la enfermedad en nosotros y en nuestros seres queridos.

El trastorno bipolar es una enfermedad mental que afecta a unos 10 millones de mujeres, niños y hombres en Estados Unidos. Se caracteriza por fuertes oscilaciones del estado de ánimo, que van de subidas a bajadas y de bajadas a subidas. Las bajadas se caracterizan por la depresión, mientras que las subidas son momentos de manía. Los cambios de humor pueden incluso llegar a ser mixtos, y puede sentirse eufórico y deprimido simultáneamente.

El trastorno bipolar puede poner en peligro la vida debido a sus bruscos picos de manía y rápidos descensos a la depresión. También puede ser angustioso y peligroso para las personas cercanas al paciente. A continuación se enumeran cinco marcadores frecuentes del trastorno bipolar que no debe pasar por alto.

Menor necesidad de sueño

Los patrones de sueño cambian significativamente en comparación con los patrones de sueño normales. Las personas con este trastorno suelen tener dificultades para dormir. Durante el periodo depresivo, el paciente puede dormir en exceso y sentirse constantemente agotado. Lo contrario ocurre durante un episodio maníaco, ya que puede que nunca se sientan fatigados.

Las personas que sólo duermen unas horas cada noche pueden indicar trastorno bipolar, tristeza o ansiedad. Una situación en la que uno puede trabajar bien con cuatro o cinco horas de sueño durante semanas sin signos de agotamiento o deterioro cognitivo puede indicar manía.

Pensamientos acelerados y habla acelerada

Algunos individuos son charlatanes por naturaleza, pero uno de los signos más frecuentes del trastorno bipolar es el habla forzada. Si no puede captar sus pensamientos porque salen de la pantalla del teleprompter de su cerebro, dando lugar a un montón de balbuceos incomprensibles, es posible que padezca un trastorno bipolar. Además de hablar con rapidez y cambiar de un pensamiento a otro, una persona en fase maníaca también puede distraerse con facilidad.

Inquietud, agitación e irritabilidad

Imagina a una persona que se sienta en un restaurante sólo dos minutos antes de agitarse y necesitar pasar a la mesa de al lado, es demasiado ruidosa para la camarera, demasiado lenta y su silla se tambalea demasiado. De repente, ya no me apetece la comida que sirven en ese restaurante.

Todos estos son signos de agitación, inquietud e irritabilidad que podrían apuntar a un trastorno bipolar. Cuando esto ocurra, debes buscar ayuda psiquiátrica. La manía bipolar se manifiesta por incapacidad para permanecer sentado e irritabilidad.

Exceso de confianza e incapacidad para terminar las tareas

Un repentino aumento de confianza puede sugerir que se está experimentando un episodio maníaco. Por ejemplo, afirmaciones infundadas como creer que su escrito tiene potencial para convertirse en un bestseller del New York Times cuando no tiene experiencia en este campo puede ser señal de que algo va mal.

La creencia repentina de que posee habilidades extraordinarias que alterarán el curso de la historia en un plazo corto e impracticable también puede ser un indicador de que necesita sentarse con un psiquiatra.

Sinceramente, la falta de inseguridades sugiere un exceso de confianza. En ese caso, puede confiar en un psiquiatra, ya que esa arrogancia…
las autoevaluaciones sugieren un episodio maníaco de trastorno bipolar.

A veces, una persona con trastorno bipolar puede tener problemas para terminar las tareas. Aunque tengan un exceso de confianza, el cambio de humor puede hacer que pospongan tareas o las abandonen por completo.

Comportamiento impulsivo y arriesgado

Durante una fase maníaca, las personas con trastorno bipolar pueden tener la autoestima inflada. La mayoría de la gente conoce el síntoma de la manía. Las compras compulsivas, las relaciones extramatrimoniales o los viajes en moto por todo el país son sólo algunos ejemplos de comportamientos impulsivos.

Sin embargo, lo que es impulsivo para una persona puede no serlo para otra. Si están fuera de lo normal y forman parte de un patrón más amplio de síntomas, como derroches, aventuras amorosas flagrantes e inversiones arriesgadas, puede indicar un trastorno bipolar.

Supongamos que de repente quiere dejar su trabajo de informático en la América central para convertirse en chef gourmet en un café de Nueva York o comprar tres cabañas de madera en el norte de Michigan para reformarlas. Es posible que desee consultar a un psiquiatra si el comportamiento en cuestión está fuera de lo normal.

Diagnóstico y tratamiento del trastorno bipolar en Miami

Sólo un profesional de la salud mental cualificado puede diagnosticar esta enfermedad. En Elevate, nuestro equipo de especialistas diagnostica, apoya y ayuda a controlar el trastorno bipolar, permitiéndole recuperar el control de su vida. Con la llegada de la tecnología, la telepsiquiatría le permite acceder a nuestros servicios en la comodidad de su hogar. Visítenos hoy en Miami, FL, o programe una cita en línea y permítanos ayudarle a tratar el trastorno bipolar.

Imagen: ibreakstock

What Are 5 Signs Of Bipolar

Wondering whether you have bipolar disorder? Despite increased awareness about the condition and how it affects people’s lives, strong stereotypes continue to influence how we characterize and identify the condition within us and in our loved ones.

Bipolar disorder is a mental condition affecting around 10 million women, children, and men in the United States. It is characterized by strong mood swings from high to low and low to high. Lows are characterized by depression, whereas highs are moments of mania. The mood changes may even become mixed, and you might feel elated and depressed simultaneously.

Bipolar disorder may lead to life-threatening conditions due to its abrupt peaks to mania and rapid drops to depression. It also may be distressing and hazardous for those close to the patient. Below are five frequent markers of bipolar disorder that you should not overlook.

Decreased Need for Sleep

Sleep patterns change significantly compared to normal sleep patterns. People with this disorder often have difficulty sleeping. During the depressive period, the patient may sleep excessively and feel constantly exhausted. The opposite occurs during a manic episode, as they may never feel fatigued.

People who only get a few hours of sleep every night may indicate bipolar disorder, sadness, or anxiety. A situation where one can work well on four to five hours of sleep for weeks with no signs of exhaustion or cognitive impairment may indicate mania.

Racing Thoughts and Accelerated Speech

Some individuals are naturally chatty, but one of the most prevalent signs of bipolar disorder is forced speaking. If you cannot catch your thoughts because they are rolling off the teleprompter screen in your brain, resulting in a lot of incomprehensible babbling, you may have bipolar disorder. In addition to speaking rapidly and switching between thoughts, a person in a manic phase may also be easily distracted.

Restlessness, Agitation, and Irritability

Imagine a person who sits at a restaurant for only two minutes before getting agitated and needing to move to the next table, is too loud to the waitress, too slow, and his chair too wobbly. Suddenly I am no longer in the mood for the food served at that restaurant.

These are all signs of agitation, restlessness, and irritability that could point to bipolar disorder. When this happens, you should seek psychiatric help. Bipolar mania is indicated by an inability to sit still and irritability.

Overconfidence and Inability to Finish Tasks

A sudden surge of confidence may suggest that one is experiencing a manic episode. For instance, unfounded claims such as a belief that your writing has the potential to become a New York Times bestseller when you have no experience in this field may signal that something is wrong.

A sudden belief that you have extraordinary abilities that will alter the course of history in a short, impracticable timeframe may also be a pointer that you need to sit down with a psychiatrist.

In all honesty, the lack of insecurities suggests overconfidence. In that case, you may confide in a psychiatrist since such hubristic
self-assessments suggest a manic episode of bipolar disorder.

Sometimes a person who has bipolar disorder might have problems with finishing tasks. Although they are overconfident, the shift in mood might cause them to postpone tasks or leave them altogether.

Impulsive And Risky Behavior

During a manic phase, people with bipolar disorder can have inflated self-esteem. Most people are aware of the mania symptom. The shopping spree, the extramarital affair, or the motorcycle trip across the country are just a few examples of impulsive behaviors.

However, what is impulsive for one person may not be for another. If they are out of character and part of a wider pattern of symptoms like spending sprees, blatant affairs, and hazardous investments, it may indicate bipolar disorder.

Suppose you suddenly want to leave your job as an IT specialist in middle America to become a gourmet chef at a New York City Cafe or to purchase three log cabins in upper Michigan to refurbish. You may want to see a psychiatrist if the behavior in question is out of character.

Diagnosis and Treatment for Bipolar Disorder in Miami

Only a qualified mental health professional can diagnose this condition. At Elevate, our team of specialists diagnose, support, and help you manage bipolar disorder, enabling you to regain control of your life. With the advent of technology, telepsychiatry has enabled you to access our services in the comfort of your home. Visit us today in Miami, FL, or schedule an appointment online and let us help you treat bipolar disorder.

Image: ibreakstock

Cómo concentrarse con TDAH

Millones de niños, adolescentes y adultos en Estados Unidos padecen el Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH), que dificulta la concentración, la atención, la organización y la concentración. Por ello, sus vidas son más complejas. Por eso hemos elaborado una lista de estrategias para concentrarse con TDAH.

Programar un temporizador

¿Alguna vez ha mirado la pantalla del ordenador durante un largo periodo de tiempo, incapaz de iniciar una tarea? Muchos de nosotros hemos pasado por eso. Puedes superar este obstáculo programando un temporizador y realizando la tarea dentro de ese periodo. Comenzar una actividad con una hora de finalización le permite ganar impulso, lo que facilita su continuación.

Anote primero lo más importante que tiene que hacer

Evite crear una lista muy larga. Tenga siempre la lista a la vista durante todo el día. Puede utilizar su calendario, diario o pizarra para no distraerse con otras cosas que no son tan vitales. Intenta concentrarte en una cosa cada vez. Asegúrese de que cualquier objeto que le distraiga esté oculto a su vista. No debe haber nada más que el trabajo que tienes delante.

Evitar la multitarea

Aunque la multitarea puede ser una forma eficaz de realizar múltiples tareas, las personas con TDAH pueden encontrarla difícil. Para realizar varias tareas a la vez, hay que dividir la atención. Si tienes TDAH, dividir tu atención puede distraerte de completar las tareas. Completar una tarea cada vez es la forma de concentrarse con el TDAH.

Tener un plan y dividir las tareas

La planificación le ahorrará mucho tiempo, ya que no se agobiará intentando elegir por dónde empezar. Una vez que tenga una estrategia minuciosa sobre cómo llevar a cabo una tarea concreta, todo lo que tiene que hacer es seguir los procedimientos que haya establecido. Como resultado, concentrará su tiempo y energía en las tareas, con un esfuerzo mínimo dedicado a averiguar qué hacer a continuación.

Diario de distracciones

Mientras intentas concentrarte en tus actividades actuales, anota las ideas que te vayan surgiendo; puedes volver a ellas una vez que hayas terminado el trabajo. Esta estrategia disminuirá las distracciones en un volumen considerable en caso de que tenga problemas para concentrarse debido a sus pensamientos.

Sé amable contigo mismo

Si el perfeccionismo le impide empezar con sus tareas, recuerde que el progreso es mejor que la perfección. Nunca habrá un momento ideal para empezar nada. Si esperas a tener una idea perfecta, puede que nunca llegue. Aunque el perfeccionismo tiene sus méritos, puede obstaculizar gravemente tu productividad, así que no seas demasiado duro contigo mismo en tu búsqueda de la perfección. La perfección es enemiga del éxito.


¿Te ha pasado alguna vez que has tenido todo el mes para terminar una tarea pero has esperado a los últimos días para empezar? Damos mucha importancia al cumplimiento de los plazos. Los plazos pueden facilitar la organización diaria y semanal. La mayoría de los individuos con TDAH funcionan mejor con limitaciones de tiempo y pueden necesitar hipo concentración para completar las cosas rápidamente. Considera la posibilidad de establecer un calendario para cada trabajo que quieras completar.

Desactivar las notificaciones del móvil

Este consejo puede parecer sencillo, pero puede ayudar a eliminar las distracciones y la necesidad de consultar el teléfono si lo haces a menudo. Considera la posibilidad de utilizar el modo silencioso o de avión.

Haga primero las tareas menos exigentes

Reserve las tareas que requieran toda su atención y concentración para los momentos del día en que se sienta más activo. Seleccionar estratégicamente los proyectos en función de su grado de concentración le reportará beneficios a largo plazo. Realizará más tareas, como devolver una llamada telefónica o enviar un correo electrónico que lleva días posponiendo porque no puede concentrarse.

Encontrar un tratamiento eficaz para el TDAH

El tratamiento del TDAH puede variar de una persona a otra, en función de lo que sugiera su psiquiatra. A veces, se puede aconsejar a una persona que tome ciertos suplementos ricos en minerales y vitaminas que ayudan al cerebro a concentrarse más. En otros casos, se puede aconsejar a la persona que siga en observación y tratamiento.

Cómo Elevate Psiquiatría puede ayudar a tratar el TDAH en Miami

Elevate psychiatry es el lugar adecuado si está buscando un psiquiatra que se preocupe por sus preocupaciones únicas e individuales. Nuestra ubicación e instalaciones se diseñaron pensando en la tranquilidad y la curación. La telepsiquiatría le permite recibir tratamiento desde la comodidad de su hogar. Nos aseguramos de que cualquiera que acuda a nosotros obtenga servicios de calidad. Cada uno de nuestro equipo licenciado de psiquiatras en Miami, Fl, tiene un enfoque personalizado para el tratamiento. Los pacientes de todos los ámbitos de la vida son valorados y tratados con la máxima preocupación. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy o visítenos en Miami, FL, para programar una cita.

Imagen: Andrii Kondiuk

How To Focus With ADHD

Millions of children, adolescents, and adults in the United States experience Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which makes it difficult to concentrate, pay attention, organize, and focus. Their lives are more complex as a result. That is why we have put together a list of strategies for how to focus with ADHD.

Set A Timer

Do you ever look at the computer screen for an extended period, unable to start a task? Many of us have been there. You can overcome this drag by setting a timer and accomplishing the task within that period. Beginning an activity with an end time enables you to gain momentum, making it easy to continue.

Write Down the Most Important Things to Accomplish First

Avoid creating a very lengthy list. Always keep the list in your view throughout the day. You may use your calendar, journal, or whiteboard to help you not get distracted by other things that are not as vital. Try to concentrate on one thing at a time. Ensure that any distracting objects are hidden from your view. There should be nothing other than the job you have in front of you.

Avoid Multitasking

While multitasking might be an efficient way to complete multiple tasks, people with ADHD might find it challenging. To multitask, one needs to divide their attention. If you have ADHD, dividing your attention might distract you from completing the tasks. Completing one task at a time is how to focus with ADHD.

Have a Plan and Break Down Tasks

Planning saves a great deal of time since you won’t get overwhelmed trying to choose where to begin. Once you have a thorough strategy on how to go about a particular task, all you need to do is follow the procedures you have established. As a result, you will focus your time and energy on the tasks, with minimal effort spent figuring out what to do next.

Distraction Journal

While attempting to concentrate on your current activities, jot down your ideas as they arise; you may return to them after the work has been accomplished. This strategy will lessen distractions by a considerable volume should you have trouble concentrating due to your thoughts.

Be Kind to Yourself

If perfectionism keeps you from getting started with your tasks, remember that progress is better than perfection. There will never be an ideal moment to begin anything. If you wait until you have a perfect idea, it may never arrive. While perfectionism has its merits, it may severely hinder your productivity, so do not be too harsh on yourself in your pursuit of perfection. Perfection is the enemy of success.


Have you ever had a scenario where you had the whole month to complete an assignment but waited until the final few days to begin? We place a great emphasis on meeting deadlines. Deadlines may provide daily and weekly organization. Most individuals with ADHD function better under time constraints and may need hypo focus to complete things rapidly. Consider establishing a timeframe for each work you want to complete.

Turn Off Mobile Phone Notifications

This tip may seem simple, but it may help eliminate distractions and the need to check your phone if you do so often. Consider using the silent or airplane mode.

Do Fewer Demanding Tasks First

Save chores requiring your undivided attention and concentration for times of the day when you feel the most active. Strategically selecting projects depending on your degree of concentration will provide long-term benefits. You will complete more tasks, such as returning a phone call or sending an email you’ve been putting off for days when you cannot concentrate.

Find Effective ADHD Treatment

Treatment for ADHD might vary from individual to individual, depending on what your psychiatrist suggests. Sometimes, a person may be advised to take certain supplements rich in minerals and vitamins that help the brain focus more. In other cases, a person may be advised to have further observation and treatment.

How Elevate Psychiatry can help treat ADHD in Miami

Elevate psychiatry is the right place if you’re seeking a psychiatrist who cares about your unique and individual worries. Our location and facility were designed with tranquility and healing in mind. Telepsychiatry allows you to get treatment from the comfort of your home. We ensure that anyone who comes to us gets quality services. Each of our licensed team of psychiatrists in Miami, Fl, takes a personalized approach to treatment. Patients from all walks of life are valued and treated with utmost concern. Contact us today or visit us in Miami, FL, to schedule an appointment.

Image: Andrii Kondiuk

¿Cuáles son los 5 signos de enfermedad mental?

Las enfermedades mentales son estados de salud definidos por un cambio en el comportamiento, las emociones y el pensamiento. Se asocia a problemas o angustia relacionados con las actividades familiares, laborales y sociales. Según una encuesta realizada en 2020, aproximadamente 1 de cada 5 estadounidenses adultos padece alguna enfermedad mental, lo que supone unos 52,9 millones de personas con esta afección.

Lo ideal sería aprender a identificar los signos de enfermedad mental lo antes posible y asegurarse de buscar servicios psiquiátricos de alta calidad en Miami lo antes posible. Siga leyendo para conocer los cinco principales signos de enfermedad mental.

Fatiga constante

La enfermedad mental puede ser agotadora. Lo más probable es que una persona con una enfermedad mental como el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo experimente pensamientos obsesivos o intrusivos, que pueden ser extremadamente agotadores. Actuar según estos pensamientos también puede requerir mucha energía.

Si estás estudiando, tratar de mantenerte al día con el trabajo escolar y otras responsabilidades también puede causar fatiga constante. Tratar de ocultar lo que estás viviendo para evitar la vergüenza, el estigma y el juicio puede agotar tu energía.

La fatiga constante puede dar lugar al síndrome de fatiga crónica o a la encefalomielitis miálgica. Te deja casi sin hacer nada, como lavar la ropa, preparar la cena, ir al supermercado o incluso ir a trabajar. También puede tener problemas para conciliar el sueño o mantenerse despierto. Por eso es crucial buscar servicios de psiquiatría en Miami para frenar estos efectos lo antes posible.

Dolor físico

Las personas con depresión pueden experimentar dolores vagos y molestias que afectan a la espalda, las extremidades y las articulaciones. Todavía hay investigaciones en curso que intentan relacionar el dolor físico y la depresión y cómo pueden influirse mutuamente.

Una de las teorías afirma que el dolor puede derivarse de la desregulación de neurotransmisores como la serotonina. Algunas personas que sufren dolor debido a una enfermedad mental pueden sentirse mejor si toman antidepresivos que estimulan la recaptación de serotonina en el cerebro.

Otras teorías demuestran que algunas personas con depresión sienten el dolor de forma diferente. Un estudio realizado en 2015 descubrió que las personas deprimidas tienen una mayor tolerancia al dolor inferior que las que no lo están.

Con los variados síntomas de dolor físico asociados a la depresión, saber si su salud mental es terrible puede ser todo un reto. Por eso se recomienda buscar servicios de psiquiatría en Miami para evaluar con precisión la causa de su dolor y determinar si está relacionado con la depresión.


Aunque el perfeccionismo no es un trastorno psicológico, está relacionado con problemas de salud mental como el trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, el trastorno de ansiedad y el trastorno alimentario. No existe una relación exacta entre ansiedad y perfeccionismo, pero suelen ir de la mano. En un estudio de metaanálisis publicado en el Journal of Clinical Psychology, las personas con ansiedad muestran más rasgos de perfeccionismo que los ciudadanos medios.

El perfeccionismo produce pensamientos ansiosos y sentimientos de que su rendimiento está por debajo de los altos estándares. Muchas personas que experimentan esto suelen relacionar su autoestima con su rendimiento. Esto puede observarse en personas que evitan febrilmente el fracaso o que se imponen unos niveles de exigencia desmesuradamente altos.

Falta de emoción

La falta de emoción se pasa notablemente por alto a la hora de comprender los cinco signos de la enfermedad mental. Muchas personas con enfermedades mentales suelen sentirse excitadas, deprimidas, ansiosas y alteradas. Aunque estas experiencias son comunes, algunas personas sienten exactamente lo contrario.

Por ejemplo, si estás deprimido, puede que te interesen menos las actividades que antes te gustaban o la gente que te rodea. El término psiquiátrico utilizado para describir este sentimiento es anhedonia. También se define por la incapacidad de experimentar alegría durante más tiempo del que se sentiría durante los días de descanso.


Las enfermedades mentales pueden causar conductas de evitación, que se refieren a las acciones de una persona para escapar de sentimientos y pensamientos complicados. Este comportamiento se produce de forma diferente, pero es común con acciones que una persona suele hacer o evitar. Por ejemplo, si te das cuenta de que evitas tu ruta habitual al trabajo porque te sientes ansioso, es probable que estés sufriendo una conducta de evitación.

A menos que busques atención psiquiátrica en Miami, te privarás de conexiones, aventuras y experiencias necesarias en tu vida, lo que puede terminar afectando tu vida laboral y familiar.

Evaluación psicológica y tratamiento de salud mental en Miami

Algunos signos asociados a las enfermedades mentales suelen confundirse con otras afecciones. Por eso es crucial buscar servicios de salud mental en cuanto se perciba cualquiera de los signos de enfermedad mental mencionados. Si usted está buscando atención psiquiátrica que se adapte a sus experiencias únicas en Miami, Elevate Psychiatry está aquí para ayudarle. Nuestros pacientes son nuestra máxima prioridad, y nos esforzamos por ofrecer la mejor atención psiquiátrica. Todos nuestros psiquiatras colegiados adoptan un enfoque personal para ayudarle a identificar su dolencia y ayudarle de la mejor manera posible. Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy mismo y le ayudaremos a tratar su enfermedad como es debido.


Bits y Splits