5 Most Common Behavioral Disorders

Behavioral disorders have adverse short-term or long-term impacts on your life if left untreated. The best way to treat behavioral disorders is to seek knowledge about the conditions to help you recognize the disorders early for you to seek the necessary treatment to prevent the worsening of the conditions. Behavioral disorders in adults mainly have emotional and physical symptoms such as fever, headaches, and rash.

Visit Elevate Psychiatry if you notice any signs of behavioral problems. We have licensed psychiatrists who offer patients high-quality services, ensure they are comfortable, and help bring their life to order without stigmatization. We also offer various treatment methods, including telepsychiatry, that allow us to provide you with the best mental health services.

Behavioral Disorder Basics

Behavioral disorders involve patterns of disruptive behaviors that can last up to six months and might harm those around you. In most cases, children diagnosed with behavioral disorders early can be treated. However, if the condition is left untreated, it progresses to adulthood, making it difficult for you to keep regular jobs, relationships, and other adult responsibilities. 

Some behavioral disorders are linked to traumatic events, substance abuse, low self-esteem, defiant behaviors, and involvement in criminal activities. Elevate Psychiatry has the best psychiatrists in Miami that diagnose, manage, and treat behavioral disorders. Some of the common behavioral disorders we help with include:

Conduct Disorders

Conduct disorders in adults begin at around sixteen when they start defying rules, displaying antisocial habits, and lacking empathy for those around them. The major causes of conduct disorders are child abuse, family conflicts, poverty, and drug and substance abuse. Some of the typical signs of conduct disorders include:

  1. Stealing
  2. Bullying and threatening others
  3. Destroying and breaking into private property
  4. Starting and frequently engaging in physical fights
  5. Truancy
  6. Aggressiveness
  7. Running away from home

Oppositional Defiant Disorders (ODD)

Children naturally throw tantrums when acting out in defiance. However, when the habit holds even in adulthood, it is called an oppositional defiant disorder. ODD major signs in children include chronic disobedience, excessive arguing, and frequent questioning of authority. When untreated in childhood, ODD presents itself later in adulthood with the following symptoms:

  1. Getting angered or irritated easily
  2. Low frustration threshold 
  3. Vindictive behaviors such as revenge
  4. Frequent arguments, tempers, and tantrums
  5. Low self-esteem
  6. Engaging in behaviors deliberately to hurt others.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)

ADHD is a condition that impairs adults’ ability to concentrate and regulate impulsive behaviors. ADHD is a common behavioral disorder among children, adolescents, and adults that makes them overactive. ADHD is more common among males than in females. It is mainly associated with depression, mood, conduct disorders, and drug abuse. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders signs include:

  • Mood swings 
  • Trouble coping with stress and frustrations
  • Poor time management skills
  • Inability to pay attention
  • Impulsivity 
  • Restlessness

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders

OCD is a mental health condition where adults mainly get recurring sensations, unwanted thoughts, and repetitive behaviors that can lead to obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions in OCD are persistent and time-consuming; hence adults are compelled to behave a certain way to control their obsessive thoughts. Some of the common obsessive and compulsive signs associated with obsessive-compulsive disorders include:

  • Aggressiveness 
  • Unwanted sexual thoughts
  • Lots of doubts and uncertainties about yourself, others, and things
  • The need for things to be done or kept in an orderly way
  • Constantly seeking approval and reassurance
  • Excessive cleaning
  • Engaging in the counting ritual where you count things such as steps
  • Many ideas on losing control and harming others 

Behavioral Addiction

Behavioral addiction occurs when you engage in a habit repeatedly due to the pleasure you draw from the habit. The brain activates the rewards mechanism making you hooked to the habit. Addiction is not only associated with drug abuse but also with other things and activities such as:

  • Internet 
  • Sex
  • Gambling
  • Excessive eating
  • Shopping
  • Engaging in any risky practices

You need help when you notice behavior addiction disorders as they can make you emotionally unstable and neglect work and family responsibilities. In addition, some behavioral addictions threaten your overall health and cause financial and relationship problems if untreated.

Behavioral Health Therapy & Treatment in Miami

It is important to note that most adult behavior disorders present themselves in men than women. Luckily, all these disorders are treatable in Miami through behavioral health therapies and treatments. You must get help for any behavioral disorder you might be living with.

Our psychiatrists at Elevate psychiatry can restore normalcy in your life by managing and treating your symptoms through a comprehensive list of treatment options depending on your condition’s severity. Contact us for any inquiries or information.

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