
Suicide Hotlines Explained
Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, and it does not discriminate, which is why suicide prevention hotlines exist. However, most people don’t understand how suicide hotlines work. Additionally, many people feel ashamed to call one or aren’t sure whether they should call 911 instead.
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¿El TEPT no es sólo cosa de veteranos
Siempre que oímos el término trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT), solemos asociarlo a los veteranos que han servido a nuestro país y a su estado de ánimo tras volver a casa del extranjero. Sin embargo, el TEPT no es un efecto secundario exclusivo de haber sufrido un trauma en el contexto militar.
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PTSD Not Just For Veterans?
Whenever we hear the term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we often associate it with veterans who have served our country and their state of mind after coming home from overseas. However, PTSD isn’t an exclusive side effect of having experienced trauma in the military context. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), roughly 8% of Americans are affected by PTSD at some point in their lives, and many of them have zero military exposure.
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Factores desencadenantes de la manía
Alrededor de 2,3 millones de estadounidenses han sido diagnosticados de trastorno bipolar, lo que equivale aproximadamente al 1% de la población. Sin embargo, se cree que la cifra es superior debido a las personas no diagnosticadas o infradiagnosticadas en Estados Unidos.
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Triggers for Mania
Somewhere around 2.3 million Americans have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which is approximately 1% of the population. However, it is believed that the number exceeds this due to undiagnosed and underdiagnosed individuals within the United States. Bipolar disorder comes with inherent “mood episodes” that often seem random and uncontrollable to those on the outside.
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Redes sociales y autoestima
Lo que antes era una plataforma social para estudiantes universitarios se convirtió en la principal forma de comunicación e intercambio público del mundo. Varias plataformas de medios sociales, especialmente Facebook e Instagram, se han hecho exponencialmente populares en los últimos años. Se han convertido en fuentes comunitarias increíblemente influyentes para noticias del mundo, citas, consejos, marketing de productos y servicios empresariales, compras, cultura de cancelación, política, entretenimiento y mucho más.
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Social Media and Self-Esteem
What was once a social platform for college students erupted into the primary way of communication and public sharing for the world. Various social media platforms, especially Facebook and Instagram, have become exponentially popular over the past several years. They have become incredibly influential community sources for world news, dating, advice, business product and service marketing, shopping, cancel culture, politics, entertainment, and much more.
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Estrés y ansiedad políticos: ¿Qué es normal?
Ni que decir tiene que 2020 nos llevó a la culminación de mucho malestar político y violencia bajo la presidencia de Trump y las recientes elecciones que nos tuvieron a todos en vilo. Por no hablar de una pandemia mortal que se ha cobrado la vida y el empleo de millones de personas.
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Political Stress and Anxiety: What’s Normal?
It goes without saying that 2020 brought us to the culmination of much political unrest and violence under the Trump presidency and the recent election that had us all on our toes. Not to mention an ongoing and deadly pandemic that has taken the lives and jobs of millions. With so much that has happened over the past year alone, it’s expected to feel an undue amount of stress, uncertainty, a decline in physical health, and even depression as the state of our nation and politics hang in the balance.
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